Centaur HTP Stands Up To Punishment
Centaur Fencing
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Centaur Testimonial - John Hutcheson
I took a three year old stud colt in to train and had turned him out to pasture for a day off. He went up from the pasture to the vicinity of my elevated arena (which is fenced in Centaur), where I had turned him out [with] another colt, and kicked uphill at the other horse and hung himself in the fence. I saw it happen from the house and by the time I got to him he had kicked free. He only had superficial skinned places and some hematoma in the following days, which I addressed with cold therapy, but it was not necessary to call the vet. I can only begin to imagine what it would have been like on any other type of fence. Experience tells me that I might have lost the horse and all that time I had put in on him not to mention the liability. I have had this Centaur Fencing for more than 10 years now and am convinced it will outlive me.
Now I only have to repair or replace a 600 ft run.
John M. Hutcheson
Gab Creek Farm: Foundation Morgans
Centaur Testimonial - John Hutcheson
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Cenflex Fencing Testimonial - Andrew Wilson
On Sunday, September 20th, 2009. the rain began as any other typical rain in northwest Atlanta. Little did we know that this rain would go down in the history books as the “Epic Flood or 2009”! The twenty inches of rain that deluged our area in twenty four hours set a record for the most rain that has ever fallen in a twenty-four hour period in the United States. This record eclipsed every hurricane or tropical storm, including Hurricane Katrina! All of this rain resulted in a very devastating flood that destroyed Roads, bridges, and homes in our area and throughout the surrounding counties. Our Poplar Springs creek flooded so severely that it was featured on one of Atlanta’s major news station and caused some extreme damage to our field, creek bank and trees that lined the creek. Our creek suddenly became a raging river that twisted trees from the banks and uprooted even the guardrail that lined the now underwater bridge.
After the water finally subsided, we began to evaluate the massive damage that this storm had caused to our pasture, barn, and fence. We noticed that our pasture fence was no longer standing and had moved in a serpentine pattern into the middle of our pasture. The fence posts had been uprooted (with the cement anchors still attached). When the water subsided, the “Centaur Fence” had successfully survived this tough storm intact and was not damaged by the flow of debris and forceful torrents that raged through our area. When we installed the “Centaur Fence”, we were told that this fence was strong but we had no idea that the fence would one day survive such a devastating flood beyond the 500-year flood projections. We were very impressed with our Centaur Fence; and we are fortunate that we were able to just reset our fence posts and renew our “Centaur Fence” easily while our neighbors were starting over. I truly believe your claim that the Centaur fence “outlasts traditional fencing.” We are overwhelmed and so thankful that the “Centaur Fence’ lived up to its reputation and survived the “Epic Flood of 2009”!
Andrew Wilson
Cenflex Fencing Testimonial - Andrew Wilson
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
We Finally Have a Twitter Account!
Yes, we’ve finally caved in and gotten on Twitter. You can find us at https://twitter.com/CentaurFencing. Please follow us, tweet to us, retweet us, and all those other wonderful things. We love you all!
CentaurFencing.net Staff
We Finally Have a Twitter Account!
Centaur Fencing Testimonial by Nancy Johnson
It was the mid-1990’s. We had just finished building a wonderful house on acreage outside of Portland, Oregon, along with – a first for me! – a new barn. The new barn was beautiful, tidy, efficient, and had everything I’d need to run things myself. I was fairly new to horses, and this was my first foray living on the same property as the horses. I had boarded for a few years and had carefully observed the details of other barns and pastures. I had decided on Centaur fencing for the fields: in western Oregon, where it rains a lot, wood doesn’t last long. And with horses, wire is out – I had witnessed problems in places I’d boarded. With electric tape, I had shocked myself just too many times. I heard about and looked into the flexible Centaur fencing, which fit criteria of looks, safety, and durability, and bought what I needed for the 5 acres or so of pasture/turnout on the hill, which could be divided into 3 pastures, if necessary, by closing gates. After it was installed, using white painted 6” posts, the place looked like a real horse facility! The barn had five stalls but my two horses were the only ones currently in residence. My middle-school aged daughters, who were taking lessons on lesson horses at a nearby hunter-jumping barn, occasionally enjoyed coming out to tend and ride my horses. Who do you think painted all the posts? Those daughters, and their friends too, needed something to do that summer!
My youngest daughter, Danielle, came out with me to the barn one early fall afternoon. She fetched the chunky little Arab Chevy from the pasture, and while I was inside the barn, tied the lead rope around a very heavy 5-foot log bench (we’re talking around 250 pounds). When I came out of the barn and rounded the corner in her direction, I had the quick thought – uh-oh, not a good idea to tie him there! Before I could speak, Chevy pulled back, the bench gave just a bit, and he panicked and took off. Happily, Danielle had stepped aside to reach for a brush and was safely out of the way.
Aghast, we watched the horse dash (as fast as he could, what with the log bench attached to him) around the pipe-railed round pen, fall and roll over — with the bench rolling over him – and dash off again on the other side of the round pen, tripping and falling again on the way, to head down a bit of a grassy slope toward the pasture, beautifully fenced as it was with the new Centaur fencing. Lo and behold, Chevy catapulted himself THROUGH the top and middle sections of the fence, fell down again and rolled over on the other side of the fence! At that point, the bench caught at a vertical angle on the outside of the fence, and quite abruptly the whole disastrous event came to a complete halt. All I could think of was, ohmagosh, this horse is gonna die, or at least end up in a number of pieces!
When the proverbial dust had settled, we ran over and released Chevy from his burden. Miraculously, Chevy was in one piece – nothing even broken. He got up, shook himself, and walked off. There was no sign of injury, nothing was out of whack, then or in the coming days. If he was a bit sore — and I figured he had to be! — you couldn’t tell.
Well, the running around with a 250-pound bench flying, falling and rolling over and around him was bad enough, but I figured the fencing that was able to stretch around his body and eventually stopped the bench is what saved his life! Imagine if he and the bench had hit rigid fencing – it would have been all over. On top of it, the fence itself wasn’t the least bit damaged. I was so grateful for that fencing.
In the 16 years since then, dozens of horses have resided at my place for short or long terms, and been turned out daily in the fields – yes, rain, shine, sleet or snow. Through the years, one way or another and for who-knows-what reason, they’ve tried unsuccessfully to get through the fencing; run into it here or there in a panic; pushed and shoved each other around and into it; — and it has lasted lo these many years without injuring a horse or breaking.
Occasionally, I’ve had to tighten it, re-wrap around some posts, or replace a short stretch nearest the barn where horses (especially new ones used to being in a stall) have persisted in their efforts to be on the other side.
Many a clever horse has figured out how to reach their necks through to munch, without mishap, the grass just outside the fence line, which they can do at will, bless their hearts, since they mow it nicely.
For all of this I thank you, Centaur! I’m looking for a smaller place now and will use Centaur flexible fencing once again. Wouldn’t have horses without it.
By Nancy D. Johnson
Centaur Fencing Testimonial by Nancy Johnson
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Wire Vise & One Way Anchor Vise
Used a lot for grape trellises, anchoring horse fencing, and similar uses, the one way anchor vise is probably one of the most versatile fencing accessories out there. We’ve carried the wire vise for years and are still learning new ways that our customers use it.
We just wanted to highlight two of those ways quickly for you all.
1. Anchoring Horse Fencing (Like Centaur’s White Lightning)
As you can see in the photo to the left, the line fencing is anchored into the wire vise in the post. The vise allows the wire to pass one direction (into the post) while preventing movement in the other entirely. That allows you to tighten the line up as much as possible without threat of failure. Use it for electric fencing, polymer strands (like Finish Line) or pretty much any other line/wire fencing.
2. Anchoring Grape Trellises
The second most common use of our anchor vises is not even related to fencing. A grape trellis requires a taught wire for hanging. As you can imagine the anchor vise is perfect for creating that tautness. Check out the photo below to see what we are talking about:
Wire Vise & One Way Anchor Vise